Why You Should Choose A Gym That Writes Its Own Programs

As the CrossFit/Functional Fitness gym industry continues to grow, it’s becoming increasingly common for gym owners to purchase online programming rather than writing their own workouts in-house. While online programming can be convenient and offer access to some of the most elite athletes in the sports training regimes, it may not always be the best option for the everyday member who wants to work on their health and fitness.

These programs commonly prescribe incredible amounts of volume, repeatedly high intensity weightlifting percentages and insane barbell complexes, gruelling prolonged conditioning pieces and lots of highly-skilled gymnastics movements. This is all well and good if you are a full-time athlete who can train 3 to 4-hours a day, gets all your meals prepared for you, and have a lifestyle that allows you to sleep 9+ hours per night.

However, for the most of us we have a little bit more going on everyday which makes following these programs not as reasonable and sometimes risky. We know that some gyms will take components out of these programs to make it fit into a class but then this takes away from the programs desired stimulus/goal.

At Mobius Health & Performance, we believe that custom written programming is the best way to ensure that our clients get the most out of their workouts. Our head coaches are Åccredited Exercise & Sports Scientists (AESS) who understand the unique needs and fitness levels of our members, and they use this knowledge to design workouts that are safe, effective, and tailored towards the majority of the gym.

Here are just a few reasons why custom written programming at Mobius Health & Performance is the best choice for your health and fitness needs:

  • Unlike online subscription programming, our custom written workouts are designed specifically for our gym and our clients. We consider the current fitness levels, skill levels, health concerns/injuries, and goals of the majority of the current members. This personalised approach allows us to create workouts that are safe, effective, and tailored to the specific needs of the majority of our members.
  • Our head coaches are qualified sports scientists who have a deep understanding of human movement, anatomy, and physiology. This expertise allows us to create workouts that are based on sound scientific principles and that consider the latest research in the field.
  • Our custom written programs follow specific periodisation methods, meaning that they are broken down into specific blocks of training that build upon each other over time. This approach helps to prevent injury, build strength and endurance, and ensure that you are making progress towards your goals. Without this programming knowledge it’s easy to prescribe workouts and intensities that can lead clients to burnout and injury.
  • We design our workouts with our gym space in mind, ensuring that they flow smoothly and efficiently from one movement to the next. This helps to maximize your workout time and ensure that you are getting the most out of each session.
  • Our programs are designed to be safe and effective. We take great care to ensure that each movement is coached to be performed with proper form and technique, and that the overall workout is balanced and appropriate for your fitness level.

Overall, the way we see it is… Besides saving time, why would you purchase a program that’s not designed for your current space, current main demographic, or current goals of the members? If you’re working off a program that 2 athletes can complete and are scaling for the rest, would it not make more sense to create a program that provides for 75% of the current gym and you can scale up for the more advanced and scale down for the beginners?

At Mobius Health & Performance, we believe that your health and fitness are too important to leave to chance. By choosing our own programming over generic online programming, you can trust that you are getting the best possible workout to improve your own health and fitness.

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